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What are the deadliest days and months for workers?
Tampa, FL — Fatal workplace injuries are most likely to occur on Thursdays and in the month of August, according to a recent analysis.
New poster: OSHA requirements for mechanical service and...
Rockville, MD — OSHA requirements for mechanical service and mechanical construction on low-slope roofs – and the differences between...
Advisory group seeks standardized training and certification...
Lincoln, AL — Assisting in the creation of a national pilot car training curriculum, along with certification for pilot and escort...
National Farm Safety and Health Week set for Sept. 18-24
Peosta, IA — A series of daily webinars is planned for National Farm Safety and Health Week, scheduled for Sept. 18-24.
OSHA reopens comment period on its proposal to revoke Arizona’s...
Washington — OSHA will reopen, for an additional 60 days, the comment period on its proposal to revoke Arizona’s State Plan status,...
Truckers under 21: Registration opens for FMCSA pilot program...
Washington — The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is accepting applications for an apprenticeship pilot program that allows...
Chemical Safety Board vows to increase transparency amid...
Washington — The Chemical Safety Board says it will resume providing updates on incident investigations to “provide important initial...
Stroke risk related to shift work may linger, researchers...
College Station, TX — Adverse health effects of shift work – including increased risk of stroke – may persist even after workers resume...
EPA seeks comment on revised draft risk evaluation for...
Washington — The Environmental Protection Agency is asking for public comment on a draft revised final risk evaluation that states...
USDA to study whether faster poultry-processing line speeds...
Washington — Seeking to “best assess” the impact of increased line speeds on worker safety in poultry-processing plants, the U.S....
US Department of Labor implements ‘Weekend Work’ initiative...
Effort to focus on safety concerns in 18 Colorado, Montana, South Dakota counties
US Department of Labor cites Florida company for 12 serious...
Ballhawker of Florida Inc. failed to develop, direct safety protocols