Renewable Energy Solution Ethiopia Program Launched
The objective of the program is to engage in dialogue with government and private institutions in Ethiopia for implementation of renewable energy projects.

Renewable Energy Solution for Africa (RES4Africa) Ethiopia Program was launched in Addis Ababa on Tuesday 3rd October, 2017.
The objective of the program according to the RES4Africa President, Antonio Cammisecra is to engage in dialogue with government and private institutions in Ethiopia to build up a fair business environment for implementation of renewable energy projects.
He stated that "the most important value added by RES4Africa is that we have an international benchmarking because we are working in many African countries including Morocco, Algeria and South Africa".
According to him, RES4Africa has no direct interest in investment. It is working to create a friendly business environment for everybody and it is a platform for the development of sustainable framework for the implementation of renewable energy projects.
The aim is to convince governments to engage in multiple projects for the acceleration of tapping renewable energy resources, the President stressed.
Speaking on the occasion, European Union Ambassador to Ethiopia Johan Borgstam said access to reliable and environmentally sustainable energy is fundamental for the economic development of Ethiopia and the realization of its ambitious strategy for development of industrialization.
More importantly, renewable energy is the core of Ethiopia's ambition which currently generates 90 percent of its energy from renewable energy sources based on hydropower, making the country a power house of renewable energy in the Horn of Africa.
Borgstam noted that energy is one of the core sectors of the EU partnership with Ethiopia. EU extends more than 30 million Euros support for 16 projects in Ethiopia.
Through this support, over 400,000 rural Ethiopians have gained access to clean energy in the form of biogas for cooking or access to other forms of renewable energy sources, he stated.
He revealed that EU is exploring additional angle of vision to support energy projects around 40 million Euros or one billion Birr.
Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Dr.Gemedo Dalle said the coming of RES4Africa to Ethiopia will support the country to maximize the benefit it gets from renewable energy.
The program would help as an additional input in the implementation of Ethiopia's Climate Resilient Economy Strategy (CRGE) that started in 2011, he added.
The program would help facilitate acquisition of finance for investors who want to engage in the sector.
Although Sub-Sahara African countries are rapidly attracting attention as new renewable energy markets over 600 million people still live without access to energy in Africa, representing a significant residential and productive market demand for affordable, reliable and clean energy in Africa.
Source: Ethiopia News Agency
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