Tag : Agriculture
Former workers sue Tea Firm for WMSDs and other unsafe...
The claimants argue that had to walk at least half a kilometer carrying baskets full of tea leaves weighing up to 20 kilos to weighing...
Agricultural Sector in Developing Countries Not Adequately...
Existing OSH laws are gender insensitive, fragmented among various government departments, insufficient, outdated, and lack incentives...
Roundup and the Cancer risks to Farm Workers
Kenya's National Cancer Control Strategy 2017-2022 promises to address the misuse of chemicals such as Roundup as a cause of cancer.
The Safety of Farm Machinery in Kenya
KEBS and DOSHS should sensitize manufacturers and users of farm machines of the safety standards to ensure inherent safe design in...
Enhance the Safety of Workers in Irrigation Projects
Statistics for annual occupational accidents for the financial year 2010-2011 indicated agriculture and related activities having...