Workers promoting their own safety at construction sites
When workers know their rights and comply with the code of conduct they will reduces most accidents that happen in construction sites which are high risk

If an inspection was to be carried out within various construction sites in the country, it will be discovered that most construction sites are not to the expected safety standards and the people who work there are less concerned about this situation.
Construction sites in Kenya are disasters waiting to happen, as workers risk their life and limb every time they climb up and down a building under construction while paying little regard to their safety. Any known cause that can be averted should not be a cause of an accident at a construction site.
Many construction workers risk their lives every day by working in hazardous environment that do not have appropriate safety put in place and some cases they do not have the appropriate gear, this can be due to ignorance, lack of proper information and disregard to safety guidelines.
The ILO code of conducts gives provisions on the rights and duties of workers in promoting their safety at construction sites and they include:
Workers should have the right and the duty at any workplace to participate in ensuring safe working conditions to the extent of their control over the equipment and methods of work and to express views on working procedures adopted as they may affect safety and health.
Workers should have the right to obtain proper information from the employer regarding safety and health risks and safety and health measures related to the work processes. This information should be presented in forms and languages which the workers easily understand.
Workers should have the right to remove themselves from danger when they have good reason to believe that there is an imminent and serious danger to their safety or health. They should have the duty so to inform their supervisor immediately.
In accordance with national legislation, workers should:
- Co-operate as closely as possible with their employer in the application of the prescribed safety and health measures;
- Take reasonable care for their own safety and health and that of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work;
- Use and take care of personal protective equipment, protective clothing and facilities placed at their disposal and not misuse anything provided for their own protection or the protection of others;
- Report forthwith to their immediate supervisor, and to the workers' safety representative where one exists, any situation which they believe could present a risk and which they cannot properly deal with themselves;
- Comply with the prescribed safety and health measures;
- Participate in regular safety and health meetings
Except in an emergency, workers, unless duly authorized, should not interfere with, remove, alter or displace any safety device or other appliance furnished for their protection or the protection of others, or interfere with any method or process adopted with a view to avoiding accidents and injury to health.
Workers should not operate or interfere with plant and equipment that they have not been duly authorized to operate, maintain or use.
Workers should not sleep or rest in dangerous places such as scaffolds, railway tracks, garages, or in the vicinity of fires, dangerous or toxic substances, running machines or vehicles and heavy equipment.
When workers know their rights and comply with the code of conduct they will reduces most accidents that happen in construction sites which are high risk areas.
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